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It's red.
The box
A 60 second countdown.
A sand timer
Passed The Game Crafter's Sanity Test - AKA the game is easy to learn
The rulebook
Take on the role of inexperienced advertisers.
You have 1 minute to create an ad.
If a player laughs, they give you their money!
This is the product you'll be trying to sell.
Gotta Sell
An action happening in the ad.
What's Happening
An important object that must be in the ad.
An Object
"Bad Ad is a beast of a party game if you are in for a slightly awkward but hilarious evening. Certainly will play this on New Year's Eve!"
- Andreas Wilde, game designer of Soviet Kitchen &
Houston, we have a Dolphin!
Bad Ad
You Laugh, You Lose | A Party Game
Coming to Kickstarter this Fall, get notified by subscribing below.
other upcoming games

Shiritori Odori
A word-matching + dancing party game
Learn some Japanese and play a game
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