Hello world!! Thank you for checking out our site! We are a new game company emerging from the ashes to rise like a fantastic flamingo! Where's my piña colada and sunglasses Kevin?
More than posting pictures of flamingoes, we're here to make games and hope you'll join us along the way! Our main goal is inclusion. We are a proponent for diversity in all aspects from who we are, who we work with, to the characters and stories in our games. Diversity adds richness and beauty to life.
Our second goal is friendship. We want to create fun and engaging experiences for you to share and connect with others. We aim to do so by re-imagining game genres, twisting conventional plots, questioning assumptions and what is standard, and providing positive representations of all individuals.
Our goal is to make games for everyone. Now we do have games like No More Roommates that are more adult oriented (which is a reflection and social commentary on living with horrible roommates), but please note that in our hearts we never condone hate, violence, or ill will. We are a house of love, compassion, and understanding, and to make the world so we must act upon it.
We hope you join us on our journey of making games, thank you for your time. Stay tuned with all of our updates by following us on Instagram or our Newsletter "Tears of a game designer"! Our first game Professor Prospector is coming to Kickstarter this summer!